
Speleological Conference, 17th -19th of June 2018, in Eşelniţa, Romania

Joint solutions are sought in order to promote speleological tourism both on the Romanian and Serbian shores of the Danube. Within the project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski” – RORS 37, initiated by Pro Mehedinţi Association in partnership with the Tourist Organization of Negotin Municipality and Bios Found in Serbia, a Romanian-Serbian Speleological Association will be established. The purpose of the new formed association will be to promote the speleological potential on the two banks of the Danube. All the details were put together during a conference that took place between 17th -19th of June, in Eşelniţa, in Romania, […]

The Conference of the Project “7 WONDERS”, 8th December 2017, Donji Milanovac

In the Tourist Information Center, Donji Milanovac, on December 8th, 2017, the Foundation Bios Fund – partner in the Project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski” (“7 Wonders”), held a conference, presenting the realization and status in the Project “7 Wonders” (eMS code RORS-37), implemented and financed under the INTERREG IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Program. The conference was realized with 50 participants and media representatives from the Project target area. The Project “7 Wonders” is in implementation in partnership of three organizations: Association ProMehedinti, Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romania), as a Lead Partner, Bios Foundation from Donji Milanovac and Tourist Organization Negotin […]

Conference of the Project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski”, 23rd October 2017

Pro Mehedinti Association, as Lead Project Beneficiary, on the 23rd October 2017, organized the Launching Conference of the Project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski”. The Conference took place at the Cultural Palace “Theodor Costescu” in Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinti County in Romania. On Conference attended a 50 people, a both Romanian and Serbian from the targeted project area. The representatives of media also took part at the conference. The project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski” was presented to the participants by the project team members, in terms of general objective, specific objectives, project activities, target groups and expected […]

Project management meeting in Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romania) held on 8th and 9th August 2017

Project management meeting, in Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romania) held on 8th and 9th August 2017 The Lead project partner Pro Mehedinti Association organised the first Management meeting under the project: “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski” (project code RORS37) fnanced by the Interreg-IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Programme. The project management meeting was held on 08th and 09th August 2017, according to the planed meeting activities: presentation of the project activities, expected results, indicators; schedule of implementation of the project activities general for the project and by each partner (dates, responsabilities, procedures, etc); financial implementation of the project, rules for eligible expenditures […]