Conference of the Project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski”, 23rd October 2017

Project management meeting in Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romania) held on 8th and 9th August 2017
The Conference of the Project “7 WONDERS”, 8th December 2017, Donji Milanovac

Conference of the Project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski”, 23rd October 2017

Pro Mehedinti Association, as Lead Project Beneficiary, on the 23rd October 2017, organized the Launching Conference of the Project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski”. The Conference took place at the Cultural Palace “Theodor Costescu” in Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinti County in Romania. On Conference attended a 50 people, a both Romanian and Serbian from the targeted project area. The representatives of media also took part at the conference. The project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski” was presented to the participants by the project team members, in terms of general objective, specific objectives, project activities, target groups and expected project results. The participants received materials conceived to promote the project, made especially for this event.

Project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski” is in implementation with project partners: Bios Fond and the Tourist Organization of the Municipality Negotin from Serbia, during 18 months: between July 2017 and January 2019, under the INTERREG IPA Cross-border Cooperation Program Romania-Serbia. Program is financed by the European Union, through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) and co-financed by the partner countries in the program. The project total value is 453,982.04 euro, from which 385,884.72 euro is the contribution of European Union.