Project management meeting, in Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romania) held on 8th and 9th August 2017
The Lead project partner Pro Mehedinti Association organised the first Management meeting under the project: “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski” (project code RORS37) fnanced by the Interreg-IPA CBC Romania-Serbia Programme.
The project management meeting was held on 08th and 09th August 2017, according to the planed meeting activities: presentation of the project activities, expected results, indicators; schedule of implementation of the project activities general for the project and by each partner (dates, responsabilities, procedures, etc); financial implementation of the project, rules for eligible expenditures buget of the project; schedule of requests for FLC and reimbursement claims, possibilities and risks; contracting plan, presentation of national and project rules of tender procedures for project implementation.