Joint solutions are sought in order to promote speleological tourism both on the Romanian and Serbian shores of the Danube. Within the project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski” – RORS 37, initiated by Pro Mehedinţi Association in partnership with the Tourist Organization of Negotin Municipality and Bios Found in Serbia, a Romanian-Serbian Speleological Association will be established. The purpose of the new formed association will be to promote the speleological potential on the two banks of the Danube. All the details were put together during a conference that took place between 17th -19th of June, in Eşelniţa, in Romania, attended by 50 people, 20 from Romania and 30 from Serbia.
During the conference, a training session in the speleological field was held, one of the trainers being the best speleologist, Cristi Lascu – former editor of the magazine National Geographic in Romania and one of the speleology pioneers in Romania.In addition to the know-how experience, the participants will receive permanent logistic support for the establishment of the Romanian-Serbian Speleological Association, a structure that will aim to achieve, in a jointly strategic manner, an activity plan for the development and transformation of this resource in a service for the touristic sector and at the same time protecting the environment.
A visit to Ponicova and Veterani Caves was also organized. This conference was the first one held within the project, and four more events of this kind will be organized in the following months: Off-road and Enduro Conference, Hiking Conference, Nautical Conference and Ramblers’ Conference.
The project “7 Wonders of Mehedinti and Borski” is financed under Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme, financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) and co-financed by the partner states in the Programme.